Issue #36
Game: Labor Rights Funeral in Ukraine
Trade: Game designer!
Game designer by day, social activist by night. I do political games about work in game industry, labor rights, war in Ukraine, etc. I also teach game design, play board and role playing games and generally try to immerse myself in everything games-related, sometimes to my own detriment.

Sasha Reneau
Issue #36
Game: Spindlewheel Microgames
Trade: Game Designer
en enjoys procgen, generating and destroying meaning, and fictional difficult conversations. some of ens games are about those things, but not all.

mut / moochi
Issue #36
Game: businessman
Trade: playing/haunting/plundering
woooah, congrats, you found this bio, like in the middle of this long list of bios. pretty cool!
heres your first point: °
you can get 1 more point for taking a picture of a shape with 9 sides. (hint: you can find one by looking around the forest in dumpling.love)
good luck =)
bonus: if you ever meet me.in real life and show me your pictures, you get a hugkin and can multiply your points by 3.

Issue: #36
Trade: “Human” Person
Digital Thoughtform, Nervous Young Inhuman, and Microplastic Nerve Ape. Makes “art” and “games”. Firmly believes we should all be more cringe. 999 Names and MDEV0 ain’t one. 12436. Queer, but in the way that makes your head explode.

Gary Chadwick
Issue #36
Game: It Started With Hairs
Trade: Writing/Programming
Gary (they/he) has noodled around making lots of little games since finding out Hypercard on Mac could make a choose your own adventure slideshow. The itch to make weird little stories has not gone away, so Gary continues to make things until it does.