Issue #23 Contributors

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Stark Holborn

Issue #23
Game: Welcome to Factus
Trade: Novelist & Games Writer

I’m a novelist and also a games writer, working on both indie titles and my own projects (mostly in Ink). Film reviewer sometimes!

site, twitter, itch


Issue #23
Game: Horse at the Hearth: SMUT
Trade: Slimewitch

Game developer, sound- and installation-artist, diy electronics fabulator; creating and enabling queer*trans and crip narratives.

site, itch


Issue #23
Game: do you remember me
Trade: Web designer, writer, weird tiny games

Neurodivergent queer working class babe making intimate work on themes of community, social architecture, transit and transport, maps, and memories. Writes poems & code & loves to combine the two wherever possible. Makes wordpress/handcoded sites for money.

site, twitter

Essay Games / Nicholas O’Brien

Issue #23
Game: In the Hollow of the Valley
Trade: Artist / Teacher

Nicholas O’Brien is an artist and writer making video games and animations. His essayistic work addresses technology, labor, infrastructure, and systems of unequal power.

itch, twitter