Issue #62
Trade: Videogame devolution. Digital art (subjective)
ZIK is often spotted creating discombobulated arts or making eldritch technology to bully the 《GameMaker》 engine. Thus ZIK finds entertainment in making 《Helper Technology》 and 《Game Feels》 while making games.
ZIK had been recently caught trying out different digital mediums such as 3D renders and video editing. What funerals will it bring? God knows.
ZIK had been recently discharged from its mandatory military service, and quit its job in preparation for its inevitable return to its 《University Kid》 habitat.

Zhenia Zankov
Issue #12
Game: Baby Labor
Trade: Writer and designer
Grew up across from Rasputin’s house, blood related to the guy who killed him. Those dark streets Dostoevsky wrote about are my neighborhood.

Issue #39
Game: EYES
Trade: Web Developer
I’m a software developer by trade, I grew up overseas. I enjoy make games as a hobby, as well as diving into *obscure* things.

Younès Rabii a.k.a Pyrofoux
Issue #28
Trade: Game Designer + Researcher
Younès is both a game designer and researcher. They specialize in making strange ludic experiments and pitching new game ideas like a conspiracy theorist. Younès’ nindo is to make games that can surprise both you and them!

Yonah Sienna
Issue #16
Game: In Every Generation
Trade: Jewish Educator, Artist, and Game Designer
Yonah is the creator of the Passover RPG/ritual “In Every Generation”, and is currently working on two new Jewish games, one set in the time of the Maccabees and one set right before Noah’s Ark. They are especially passionate about the intersectionality of Judaism with other topics (eg disability, mental health, gender & queerness)

Issue #58
Game: Centrist Simulator
Trade: Writer
I guess I’m a transmedia author, meaning I do all kind of things at the junction of contemporary art, philosophy, academia, technology and pop culture. From text to transmedia experiences, I try to push the boundaries of the format I use.

Issue #5
Game: Remote Bot
Trade: Programming
Software engineer with the heart of a game developer.

Yami Kurae
Issue #46
Game: The Fair
Trade: Game Design, Art, Music
Yami Kurae is an artistic duo consisting of Matteo Polato and Jacopo Bortolussi, making noise, music and videogames with lo-fi processes and malfunctioning haunted media.

Issue #33
Game: Sanctuarium Online
Trade: Visual Artist and Web Ghost
I’m a Visual Artist, Music Maker and Game Developer. I’m all about experimenting with various art forms depending of what I want to express. I studied and graduated from Fine-Arts in France. Lately I’ve been diving deeper into creating video-games and it’s been a great journey so far as I met interesting new people along the way. See you all around !

Issue #31
Game: 3 Hours Of Style
Trade: Prögramming, Music, Consuming potatoes
Programmer, musician, somewhat visual artist. Born and bruised in Sweden, ready to take on whatever I decide to get myself knees deep into. That enough of an intro?
What I do is try to get people to look up and just do something together. While that’s not the goal of all of my games, it’s what my goal in life is to do. I just want the people around me to laugh and be happy, and if I sometimes look stupid when trying to do that then so be it. I also like girls. I am very gay. Please save me. Thanks 😀

Issue #55
Game: Galactic Foodtruck Simulator 2999
Trade: ZZTer
The world’s most prolific designer of games for ZZT, a fully-featured, if contextually spare, game creation platform made free for public use in 1991 and fully open-sourced in 2020. I’m always developing new games and tools for the platform, and encourage you to stop by ZZT’s official Discord if you’re at all interested in MS-DOS esoterica. <3

Issue #29
Game: Professor Quackerton in: The Locked Birdhouse
Trade: multi-disciplinary mess maker
I make work that is clown and queer across many artistic mediums. Whether it be games, comics, writing, animation, or theatre, my work stretches the world into something more caring, more queer, more curious, and more playful.

violet (bignastytruck)
Issue #46
Game: i will not survive you
Trade: fooling around, goofing off, making people read my notes app poetry
trans queer making tiny little narrative games and game poems, often with bitsy. huge hampster dance fan.

Issue #36
Game: Labor Rights Funeral in Ukraine
Trade: Game designer!
Game designer by day, social activist by night. I do political games about work in game industry, labor rights, war in Ukraine, etc. I also teach game design, play board and role playing games and generally try to immerse myself in everything games-related, sometimes to my own detriment.

Issue #11
Game: yearly
Trade: game designer
I make games about personal stories, experimenting with narrative and gameplay is really rewarding to me. I enjoy making games in easy-to-use tools and focus on the process of combining writing, art, music, into one experience and have each aspect play a role in that game experience!

Tyler (ambiguousname)
Issue #55
Game: Spider-880
Trade: Computational Mathematician
I do a lot of interdisciplinary work. In games, that’s mostly solving problems that would take longer solve with a quick and dirty math shortcut. Can’t get a sprite to point to a mouse? That’s my specialty.

Issue #57
Trade: I’m a developer with a weird obsession with the Internet and especially web games. I love making stuffs related to the History of the web. Some of them are good

Toto Lin
Issue # 2
Game: dinosaurily
Trade: Art, Writing, Design
Recent grad of UC Santa Cruz, loves making whimsical and colorful art and gaymes

Issue #40
Game: a most important night
Trade: musician
I like music and the internet and creating weird little games.

Issue #42
Game: The Vaults of Minos
Trade: Pothead 😉
ThunderPerfectWitchcraft is a developer-duo. We do what we want, and we strife to make it good. Until now we released games, images, videos, texts, and music. We think that every human activity is art.
I’m always on the search for cool, noncommercial and unknown games and review them on my blog.

The Spookfish
Issue #47
Game: bear in the snow
Trade: musician
My name’s Dan and I make music and videogames as The Spookfish. I am really interested in dreams and nature and other parts of reality that feel magical. I have always tried to share this in the music I make and in the events I put on. I regularly put on concerts on mountains or strange places like on rocks in rushing streams in the dark of night.

Taylor McCue
Issue #9
Game: Saving You From Yourself
Do I Pass?
I’ve spent a decent chunk of my life oscillating between suicidal and struggling to fake being a normal person, and trying to save the world while hating myself. In grad school, I started to turn my life around. I got therapy, got a degree, got vaginoplasty. My vaginoplasty went wrong. I had a decent chance of dying, as I reflected on my life in delirium my biggest regret was not making cringeworthy anime games. I pulled myself together enough to make those games and kept making games. I still have problems from my surgery. I’m not really okay but still my life is still worth living even if I struggle a lot. My games aren’t for everyone. They are still worth making.

Takuma Okada
Issue #33
Game: OLDHOME: Trip to Turtle City
Trade: Game design
Girl from the woods who believes in urban pastel. Game designer, musician, trans enigma. Will perish if kept from the ocean for too long. Makes all sorts of TTRPGs: slice of life, worldbuilding and exploration, mecha, action, etc.

Issue #57
Game: 5 Minute Free Version
Trade: Game Designer
Game developer who aspires to make innovative games. I’ve made too much bullet hells but I like writing narratives too.

Issue #48
Game: Structural Integrity | Cycle
Trade: Writer
Tabitha writes both interactive and traditional queer fiction, specializing in stories focused on relationships (romantic and platonic). Eir other loves include animals, architecture, abandoned places, alliteration, long walks, and long sentences.

t.k. dreck
Issue #10
Trade: digital creative
t.k. dreck started out by goofing around with game making software in their youth, but after clicking on the wrong menu option they became cursed. as a result, t.k. dreck cannot do anything besides making games in their lifetime, so expect many games to come. will the curse ever end? well, it’s quite fun so hopefully not.

Issue #45
Cover Illustration
Trade: Illustration
Computer science by day, illustrator and amateur comic artist by night. I love indie games!

Stephen Williams
Issue #50
Game: Stares Back
Trade: Trying Everything
Solo dev control freak who likes to make games (mainly horror) focusing on weirdos, the internet, and the social condition. I love astronomy, experimental pop music, and spending multiple years on projects that won’t make me money!

Stanley W. Baxton
Issue #34
Game: Quinn & Flynn
Trade: Writer & Narrative Designer
You might also know me as Stanwixbuster. My brain screams at me when I’m not writing and I channel my need into little narrative-heavy HTML games. Whatever that stream creates is between google docs and God. I wanted people to take me seriously and am now trying to reconcile with the fact people take me seriously.

Issue #9
Game: BBB: Boost Boom Boots
Trade: Artist & Programmer
Hello! I am (mostly) a software developer, but I love doing art and stuff. I spend my free time to do game-jams compulsively, but also develop games professionally. I love juicy, minimalistic and elegant game design. When possible, I also like to mess a bit with the perception of reality, using augmented reality and psychedelic narratives.

Sol Martínez-Solé
Issue #30
Trade: 3D Environment Art
Sol is a queer transmasc multidisciplinary artist from Venezuela, currently based in Spain. They create art to explore emotions and memory through bold colors and stylized shapes, and particularly in 3D they search for ways to recreate the sights of their home island. He’s passionate about putting an unnecessary number of rocks in all of their games, and environmental storytelling. You might find them if you look under mossy rocks. (Portrait by Camber Arnhart https://twitter.com/Camberdraws)

Sloane Leong
Issue #31
Trade: Art
Sloane Leong is a cartoonist, illustrator, writer, and editor of mixed indigenous ancestries. Through her work, she engages with visceral futurities and fantasies through a radical, kaleidoscopic lense. She is currently living on Chinook land near what is known as Portland, Oregon.

Issue #62
Game: Unusual Farm Operations
Trade: music and 3d art
helloo im skooka and i do epic awesome music, and make freaking sweet games occasionally! noise pop, jangle pop, and punk are my
specialties. my pronouns are it/its. everything i make is gay and you will turn gay if you listen or play them :>

Siyi Chen
Issue #27
Game: Good Day
Trade: Composition & Audio Design
I’m Siyi Chen, a Brooklyn-based Chinese game and film composer. I’ve been working as a composer in game and film industry for 3 years. I was selected to New York Foundation of Arts funding for hosting Hot Pot For One 2-Year Anniversary OST concert. The game Come On into My Secret Base in the Woods with Ink Answers Le Freak! which I scored has got Best Arts in 2022 Global Game Jam.

Issue #55
Game: Extended Sabbatical
Trade: Game design
Hello! I played a bunch of fun, artsy games on itch when I was a teen and that made me want to go into game design. Working in game dev has its ups and downs, but I still get my fun from making tiny games on the side!

Issue #28
Game: Text Tac Toe.
Trade: Programmer and Cool Dude
Hi I make video games 🙂

Issue #5
Game: A Change of Heart: A Magical Girl Adventure
Trade: Motion Graphics/Animation
I’m a designer/animator who likes to spend their free time making games! I love participating in game jams, but I’m planning to build larger games as time goes on. I hope you enjoy my work. Please follow me on itch and twitter (@ShibeyG) to keep up with my progress! I’m planning a sequel to “A Change of Heart,” and will be tweeting updates as this and other projects grow.

Issue #40
Game: Adrift: Going Nowhere & Wish Corp
Trade: Art, Writing & Animation
Artisan trash maker, vomiting eyeball-melting pixelized brain goop into the gamesphere for general consumption by the public, bottling each and every slime riddled project with carbonated woe.

Seth Alter
Issue #10
Game: Traitor Nightly
Trade: Game dev
Seth Alter is a game designer and research software engineer. Their works include the video games Neocolonialism, No Pineapple Left Behind, and Traitor Nightly; the card game Hexadecimate; and various software repos. Their art and coding projects are influenced by Jewish mysticism, personal outrage, and the inevitably of the anarcha-queer revolution. Find them on Twitter at subalterngames

Issue #15
Game: From Out the Boundless Deep
Trade: Writer, Game Designer, Editor
I’m a TTRPG fan who loves making stories and rulesets based on the weird little background bits of media I enjoy — the shopkeeps who sell cursed items to the protagonist, the inspectors who keep workplace safety up to code, the plucky engineers who keep mechs running, etcetera. With tabletop games, I like to focus more on character building and interaction.
I love writing dialogue. Please ask me to write dialogue for your game.

Sasha Reneau
Issue #36
Game: Spindlewheel Microgames
Trade: Game Designer
en enjoys procgen, generating and destroying meaning, and fictional difficult conversations. some of ens games are about those things, but not all.

Issue #48
Game: No Time For Mercy
Trade: Writing/Art/RPGMaker Devving
AwesomeTrinket is an indie developer who primarily creates visual novels made in RPGMaker. She writes stories about love, grief and horror; all three of these are equally showcased in her Indiepocalypse #48 entry, No Time For Mercy. As of January 6th, 2024, Trinket has produced four games and has at least four more planned.

Samuli Pietikäinen
Issue #59
Game: Hengähtänet
Trade: video game developer
Creating video games and making other various art projects, existing on a red planet.

rosario seagrave (mumupoque)
Issue #56
Game: estherbunny444
Trade: solo developer
trans, she/her, asian hispanic
i love making long, sad and surreal adventure games. i’m also trying to work on an animated film.
i like harsh noise, makeup, and collecting crt monitors. i am only awake at night.
my instagram is @_hauntingpresence <3

Richard Sherriff
Issue #44
Game: The Farnese Hercules
Trade: Lecturer
Games Designer and Educator. Usually a maker of physical things.
Issue #47
Game: bones of the earth + home is where the haunt is
Trade: game maker
maker of short narrative games, mostly in bitsy! 😀

Raphaël Dely / EckartG
Issue #9
Game: I Was Always Filled With Anger
Trade: Artist / Game Designer
Artist and game designer, I make very experimental artgames that often blend poetry and games

Rafael Pimentel
Issue #11
Game: Escada Game Pack
Trade: Design, Pixel Artist
I’m a game’s development student, everyday trying my best, step by step.

Rae White
Issue #44
Game: ‘stand up’
Trade: Writer & poet
Rae White (they/them) is a non-binary transgender writer, and the award-winning author of poetry collections Milk Teeth (UQP, 2018) and Exactly As I Am (UQP, 2022). Rae’s Bitsy poem-game ‘stand up’ won the 2022 Woollahra Digital Literary Award for Digital Innovation and was featured in the Pride at Play exhibition 2023. Rae is the editor of #EnbyLife, a journal for non-binary and gender diverse creatives.

Quentin Delvallet
Issue #41
Game: Biblically Accurate Sheeps
Trade: Developer by choice, bad artist by needs
Lots of love to you from France 🙂 I am a game dev only during my free time and I have yet to find my style, so mostly making very random things. Thanks for reading this and browsing Indiepocalypse!

Quasim Marshall
Issue #14
Game: Star Trapper
Trade: Artist & Game Developer
Playing games since birth and making them since 2011.

Issue #50
Game: how to use the subway
Trade: media art
I’m in school for new media art, and in my free time I write little stories and make music and little games. I’m always looking for something — I don’t know yet what it is, but I’m excited to find out.

PUNKCAKE Délicieux
Issue #46
Game: Superfetch Dog
Trade: Makers of monthly games
PUNKCAKE Délicieux is a small team of game developpers gone mad with hubris. They’ve challenged themselves to do year-long marathons where they would release a new quality game every month. Time to break all the rules.

Issue #3
Game: Match me if you can
Trade: Writer
I wrote for dozens of narrative games including Bury Me My Love and ‘Til Cows Tear us Apart. Currently working on Haven.

Phoebe Shalloway
Issue #2
Trade: Game Developer/Writer
Phoebe Shalloway (they/she) is a game developer and writer from the United States. They are especially interested in experimental narrative forms, interdisciplinary media, and media that deal with issues of environmental catastrophe and capitalism. Their most notable game is Even in Arcadia, which was created as their senior thesis project at Vassar College, Class of 2018. The project aims to explore the relationship between humans, the built environment, and “nature” under capitalism, and was also influenced by immersive theater, media theory, and the theories of the activist/artist group the Situationist International. Phoebe has also created several other small and strange solo games, which can be played at https://girldebord.itch.io/. They currently work as an engineer for Whitethorn Digital, an independent game studio based in Erie, Pennsylvania. You can follow what they’re working on next on twitter @girl_debord.

Philip Drobar
Issue #45
Game: Chestnut Grove
Trade: VFX Editor
Austrian living in Canada. Working on visual effects for Hollywood Movies and TV by day, chipping away at Indie Game Projects at night.

Paul Daniel
Issue #5
Comic: Todd Tucker Realtor
Trade: Comics
I draw eggs, bananas, and Guy Fieri.

Issue #41
Game: Collage Advertisement
Trade: Game Designer
OXY aka Ewen aka Fuchsia Jesus, french Game Designer, I make weird shit. Bachelor (3 year studies) in Game Design.

Ondřej Trhoň
Issue #42
Game: My Pandemic Table
Trade: Nothing and a bit of everything, maybe writing
Writing, making and researching games on the verge of fine arts and critical theory. Anxious about all kinds of futures and terminally in love with Dark Souls 2.

Olivier Bouchard
Issue #51
Game: Whispers
Trade: Game design and programming
I’ve been developing game solo for a while and like to collaborate here and there with cool people.

nykalily TV
Issue #31
Game: You Did a Bad Think Nyk!
Trade: Graphic Design/ Animation & MORE
nykTV is a transfemme multimedia force/artist currently focusing on games development & animation! nykTV uses She/Her & It/It’s pronouns.

Issue #7
Game: [mo͡ʊɹn]
Trade: language research & activism
nurbrun is a certified all organic, free-range, locally-grown human being. they have the normal amount of teeth, hands, and gallbladders.

Issue #14
Game: A Wheel Without a View
Trade: making games & things
game dev & translator

Nitori & Saori
Issue #46
Game: another happiness
Trade: Writing/criticism (Nitori), Programming (Saori)
Hello. We’re two trans women from the global south who share a body, and who make games or write criticism about various things sometimes.
The game that first made us think “wow, games can be art” was Yume Nikki, and I think that says most of what needs to be said about our tastes.
Any links you want to add.*

nilson carroll
Issue #7
Game: flaming/million
Trade: Experimental Games
Nilson Carroll (he/him) is an MFA candidate at Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY. A barista-ROM hacker, Nilson explores 16mm expanded cinema, video projection performance, and makes queer video game installations. He is a champion of anti-fascist, feminist, pro-affection games and art. In 2019, he co-founded the DIY queer art games collective swampbabes.

Nicolás Jaramillo Ortiz
Issue #47
Game: Blade of the Overlord
Trade: Software Engineer / Game Developer
Programmer turned storyteller. I make small games with my friends at Ibis Interactive.

Nicki Berger
Issue #5
Comic: Kaiju Birthday
Trade: Cartoonist
Nick Berger is a nonbinary cartoonist from the mouse’s summer home, Orlando, Florida. They like to make comics that are some combination of: gay, funny, stupid, cute. Yes their last name is pronounced like the food, and yes they do like burgers.

Nice Gear Games
Issue #51
Game: i miss the sea of japan / 恋しい日本海
Trade: Hobbyist
We are a Japan-based indie game development team made up of Daikon (JP) and Renkon (EN). We also talk about Japanese indie games on our blog and zine, Indie Tsushin. Let’s play!

MyDogStoleMyLiver (Devin Spector)
Issue #48
Game: <(BookClub!)> and “A zine for aliens”
Trade: Jack of all trades (Master of none)
Hi, my name is Devin Spector. You’re probably wondering how I got here? I do amateur game design, digital art, music and some graphic design on the side. (With a twinge of esoteric bullshit)

mut / moochi
Issue #36
Game: businessman
Trade: playing/haunting/plundering
woooah, congrats, you found this bio, like in the middle of this long list of bios. pretty cool!
heres your first point: °
you can get 1 more point for taking a picture of a shape with 9 sides. (hint: you can find one by looking around the forest in dumpling.love)
good luck =)
bonus: if you ever meet me.in real life and show me your pictures, you get a hugkin and can multiply your points by 3.

Issue #40
Trade: Contemporary Artsy gal, and game dev
Just a gal making games and embarrassing herself in public (Aka, known as performance, lol)

Issue #25
Game: you are the hero
Trade: writer | compsci student
former lawyer, current comp sci student, forever writer. germany-based korean-russian, and a citizen of the whole world. has a weird obsession with the roman empire and all-lowercase writing. always following the ex aequo et bono principle. oh, and i love python. ironically. unless?…

Milo Duclayan
Issue #58
Game: ScribeOS
Trade: Game Designer & Narrative Designer
Milo is a game designer, writer, narrative person, etc. He makes video games and tabletop games and live-action games, and often games that are many or none of those at the same time.

Mickey Sanchez
Issue #49
Game: Possibility Space
Trade: Game development
I’m a jazzy queerdo who likes to be emo and enjoy life.

Issue #11
Cover Artist
Trade: freelance illustrator/comics/merch maker
When not being a creaky bone cryptid and drinking far too much coffee and tea, you can find Michi tinkering away at creating comics, merch and illustrations and staying up late to wrangle projects together in hopes of capturing that little drop of hope and escapism to put into their work.

Michele Pereira
Issue #57
Game: Tomadinha Adventure
Trade: solo dev
I love creating stuff that makes people happy.

Issue #7
Game: Donut Maker!
Trade: illustration
Jill-of-all-trades, master of none. Knitter, sewist, graphic design student and amateur game dev.

Mer Grazzini
Issue #30
Game: Distant Memories
Trade: Artist + Game Designer
I make too many things, and none of them is sleeping well enough. I mostly make games, write about games, and teach about games; but I also have a non-gamey visual-music duo. I like to make weird small thingies that “””are not actually a game””” and will luckily make you laugh or feel things. I’m also a part of Matajuegos Cooperative, where we make (slightly) bigger games about mental health, social issues and ecology.

Megan (Ozone Interactive)
Issue #61
Trade: Game Designer
Freeware dev, lover of weird fiction, and reluctant programmer.

Issue: #36
Trade: “Human” Person
Digital Thoughtform, Nervous Young Inhuman, and Microplastic Nerve Ape. Makes “art” and “games”. Firmly believes we should all be more cringe. 999 Names and MDEV0 ain’t one. 12436. Queer, but in the way that makes your head explode.

Max Robins
Issue #32
Game: Mondays: a Sisyphean Typing Game
Trade: Game Development / Programming
Max Robins is a game developer and student based in the UK. He is currently studying for an MComp in Computer Science at the University of Bath and is co-creating games with his brother Alex Robins.

Issue #3
Game: Match Me If You Can
Trade: Graphic Design and Animations
I love narrative stuff, it’s what I want to do.

Issue #34
Game: The Yoyo of Zonk
Trade: Jack of all trades, master of none
Jack of all trades, master of none

Mars Ashton
Issue #3
Game: Flux
Trade: Professor, Writer, Indie
Mars Ashton is an award-winning Indie Game Developer, Technical Writer for RHM3, and Director/Assistant Professor of Game Design at Lawrence Technological University. He has been instrumental in establishing the game development community throughout Michigan, co-founding the Ann Arbor chapter and running the Detroit chapter of the International Game Developers Association. A frequent exhibitor and speaker at industry events, Mars provides enthusiastic insight into his work as a game developer, academic and leader on topics typically emphasizing rapid prototyping, networking and discipline on both professional and personal levels.

Mario ‘MarioKness’ Torrisi
Issue #7
Game: Super Epic Random Bard Guy
Trade: Programming
As a child I was always fascinated by videogames and programming in general. UGC games were my favorite, loved the idea of making and sharing content with others. As of 2020 I’m studying to become a programmer.

Marie Vibbert
Issue #61
Game: Don’t Open This Book
Trade: Author
Hugo- and Nebula nominated author Marie Vibbert’s short fiction has appeared over 90 times in top magazines like Nature, Analog, and Clarkesworld, and been translated into Czech, Chinese and Vietnamese. Her debut novel, Galactic Hellcats, was long listed by the British Science Fiction Award and her work has been called “everything science fiction should be” by the Oxford Culture Review. She also writes poetry, comics, and computer games. By day she is a computer programmer in Cleveland, Ohio.

Mared Jurphy
Issue #35
Trade: Sound Designer/Noisemaker/Game Dev
I’m a sound designer and musician who loves distorted, messy, evocative textures. I’ve always loved games, but I got into making my own during the COVID lockdown and I’ve been so inspired by the way you can communicate with an audience in the most visceral ways. I’m also continuously inspired by the work of the creative and passionate community on itch.io. One of my favorite things to do is spend time in forests. They contain so many forms of life and death, big and small, and they remind me that we’re all part of a big, scary, gorgeous cycle.

Issue #18
Game: Espectro City
Trade: Programmer
Hello! My name is Jorge, more commonly known online as Makhor, and I make games, sometimes… I’m a Systems Engineering student, and I post dumb stuff on my Twitter (with the occasional game dev related post). Check it out!

Maciek “Rondaar” Sozanski
Issue #17
Game: Lil Flutie 3D
Trade: Game Developer, Designer
Unity developer at work, designer after hours. I love music, films, games, art in general that is not easily forgettable, even when it’s not perfect. That’s my ultimate goal when I create stuff of my own. On the day to day basis, I struggle with finishing the things that I’ve started. But it’s hard, you know :^O

Luke Vincent
Issue #58
Game: Harold’s Walk
Trade: Designer
Harold’s Walk, Harold Reborn, Automaton Lung, and Automaton Heart are among the recent games I’ve made.

Lucy Haslam
Issue #17
Game: Cover
Trade: Illustrator
Lucy Haslam is an illustrator based in Bristol, UK, who specialises in editorial illustration and narrative comics. She likes to sit back and let the textures do all the heavy lifting in her work.

Lucian Kahn
Issue #13
Game: Martian NEIGHborhood College Horse Catalog
Trade: Game Designer
Lucian Kahn is the award-winning game designer of Visigoths vs Mall Goths and Dead Friend: A Game of Necromancy. He is a gay-coded villain.

Issue #49
Game: eggs for you
Trade: writer and maker of games
making games about people figuring themselves out

Issue #12
Game: Polymute
Trade: Programmer/Pixel Artist
Designer/Pixel Artist with a few notable releases on itch.io/Steam. Recent games include “Transmute” (2019), “Polymute” (2020), and “Elephantasy” (2020). Got started in gamedev by making Zelda fan-games in the late 2000’s; currently making games in GMS 1.4.9.

Lily Belmira
Issue #37
Game: watering a flower
Trade: game developer
I’m a solo game developer making games in my free time about growing up, understanding yourself, and looking into the past and future.

Issue #12
Game: Astrid & The Witch
Trade: Artist
draws stuff, things even. made a funny grandma game!

Laura Govednik ~ Lucky Newt Games
Issue #28
Game: The Tea Bundle – Whistling Wolf Café Solo and Multiplayer Edition / Enchanted Blend
Trade: Writer / Stay at home mom
I’m an ADHD/neuro-divergent panromantic writer. I focus on family friendly games that are light-hearted, comforting, make people stop and think about themselves and the world around them, or some combination therein. I also run a game journaling blog that shows what I’m left with after playing solo journaling TTRPGs.
When not chasing after my toddler or hard at work having fun, I geek out over TTRPG themes and mechanics, anime, MCU, Star Wars, Brandon Sanderson books, and many other things. Feel free to geek out with me on Discord and Twitter.

Lassiter Waith
Issue #36
Game: Mare Memoria
Trade: Writer and Fiction Editor
I am a black, queer writer who wants to explore the medium in every way I can. Even when I draw or edit others’ work, I feel like I’m writing something.
I like to make games that focus on atmosphere, people and interacting with them. I love people, they’re so interesting – especially when I can make them up.
I usually have a sense of surrealism in my games because the world often feels strange and unknowable to me. People do too, when I’m not writing them.
That’s what I want to put into the world – queer stories for queer people, in every sense of the word.

L.O.V.E. Games
Issue #31
Game: Xxxatharxyx [It’s Going to Be Alright]
Trade: Hospital office worker
After acquiring a BA in Fine Arts from San Francisco State, L.O.V.E. Games Studio immediately threw it into the garbage can and made a gay visual novel for some reason. They then emailed it directly to Tim Schafer. They have yet to hear back.
They have been making games ever since, creating their own artwork, music, and style along the way, drawing on the language of RPG’s to tell the gayest stories that you’ve probably ever heard.

Issue #50
Game: ruins of courage
Trade: multimedia creator
i’m a small-scale indie creator of games, art, and stories! much of my work stems from my experiences as a disabled queer person.

Kostiantyn Kravchyshyn
Issue #31
Game: Fear the Void : Prologue
Trade: Unity Programmer, 3D Modeller, Game Designer
Creating games was always my dream and passion.
As a child, I, together with my brother and friends, created games on paper, since then we did not have a PC or consoles yet. In our youth, with the purchase of the first PC, the installation of Starcraft and Warcraft, we got access to the Map editor. Creating custom Warcraft maps has long been our passion.
Now after long years of study and relocating to Europe – I started with games again;)
Learned Unity and Blender, got involved in a team of ExtraCosmicStudios, created awesome games such as Fear The Void : Prologue, and part of Indiepocalypse#31!

Konstantin Fedorov
Issue #40
Game: Compendium
Trade: Software engineer / Artist
C/C++/JS software engineer. Creating games using 3D and 2D tools, digital and hand-drawn art, manual and procedurally generated content.

Issue #60
Game: Is your house almost there?
Trade: Artist, Animator
I make animation, illustration, game, and interactive pieces. In my event series “Komitsu-to-asoba-night!” held irregularly, I play and introduce 1990s CD-ROM software on an old Macintosh computer.

Kimera Royal
Issue #56
Game: Wherein She Completely Cuts Herself Off from Reality; A Parabolic Emotion from Recovery into Despair
Trade: Game Designer & Musician
Went to university to become a games programmer, realised I do not want to do that as a job but I still love making games. Spent my final year grappling with what that actually means and how to escape the kitsch and consumerism of the mainstream industry – eventually arriving at the alt tiny indie game sphere that I’ve always orbited as a spectator. I’m also a big believer in cross pollination between mediums leading to more interesting ideas, hence why I name things like they’re Emo songs.

Kiefer Nemeth
Issue #25
Game: Katja’s Abyss: Tactics
Trade: Designer
I’m primarily a systems designer, but as a solo dev I’ve done a lot of sound design, engineering, and (dreadfully) art. I just like games! Can’t stop myself from makin em!

Issue #41
Game: Internal Monologue
Trade: Indie Dev, Artist
agender goblin creature making silly things for silly people

Kaya Hiroya (カヤヒロヤ)
Issue #6
Comic: Memories and Records
Trade: Illustrator and graphic designer
Kaya is a Tokyo-based independent professional illustrator and graphic designer. Kaya Hiroya and Takahashi Yuki make up the collaborative design group conico, a label under which they release various works including comics and illustration. Through their illustrations, Kaya tries to express the dreamlike occurrences and vague memories from childhood. Recently, Kaya released the small art zines/collections “Yuurei” and “No Data” and participated in TCAF 2019 with the Popotame group. Since then, in late 2019 conico released the “Now Loading” art book(s) featuring paired work by both Kaya and Takahashi. Most recently, Kaya created the OP illustrations for RCC TV’s “Koi-Home” drama series.About the work “Memories and Records”: “Selling software, erasing data; there are often no records left of the games I had when I was a child. However, I always remember them. I tried to express the pangs of recollection and feelings of nostalgia I experience whenever I play them.”

Katy Koop
Issue #21
Game: not seafoam
Trade: writer
Katy Koop is a writer and artist based in North Carolina. Her writing has appeared in Electric Literature, Hello Giggles, Femsplain, and more. Her plays have been produced in Raleigh, Minneapolis, and New York City. She also creates small web art games and ttrpg’s on itchio, with work typically focusing on absurdism, magic, and tea. You can find her most often tweeting at @katykooped.

Kate Smith
Issue #18
Game: I WAS HERE & Museum of Memories
Trade: Game Developer
Game designer, developer, writer, and professor. I specialize in programming and storytelling through many different media from games to film to novels. Outside of games, my interests include creative writing, playing the guitar, amateur bird photography, and collecting medieval weaponry.

Issue #46
Game: Reaper’s Goodbye
Trade: Writer/Artist
if the stars are lit,
then someone must really need them?
then it is essential
that at least one star
over the rooftops each night?!

Kaelyn Mauve
Issue #6
Game: A Conscious Decision, {Cell}
Trade: Gamer turned hobby developer
Jack of several trades but master of none (cos there’s never an end to learning, is there? 🙃) I dabble in many random hobbies from writing to doodling and composing music, so I decided why not combine all these to make my own games! I love experimenting with new engines/cool mechanics and incorporating twists/hidden messages within my games heheh. I put lots of effort into each of my creations, so I really hope you enjoy them! Happy playing~ p.s. I also draw my own telegram stickers. The orange disguised in apple cosplay over here is one of them – I call him Appel.

Jules Ampere
Issue #51
Game: Pareidolia: Evil Eye
Trade: Writing, reading and translating TTRPGs
If I’m not drowning myself in books, drawing doodles, diving into endless rants about how I would design my own video game or re acting scenes from various media in my room at 3 AM, I am making TTRPGs. And I love it!

Josh Aaron Miller
Issue #1
Game: Descent Into Madness
Trade: Games Researcher
Josh is a PhD candidate studying game-user interaction and transformational games at Northeastern University. His research focuses on combining industry best practices with academic theories of learning and motivation to make good tutorials for educational games and citizen science games. When he’s not studying games, he’s playing them and making them. Follow him on Twitter @joshaaronmiller

Jorge Fernández
Issue #15
Game: Escape from the Tomb of Apep
Trade: Translator
I’m a Spanish translator living in the UK. I started learning game development during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Escape from the Tomb of Apep is my first video game.

Jonathan Dersch
Issue #30
Game: Get to Hangar 18!
Trade: Game Designer
I like to make and play card games, board games, role playing games, and adventures! My games tend to be inspired by other media I enjoy and the people I play with.

John Vanderhoef
Issue #21
Game: neMULEsis
Trade: Writer, Narrative Designer, and Researcher
John is a writer, professor, and everyday game developer specializing in small narrative-first games and games with rich storyworlds.

Jeremy W. Kaufmann
Issue #19
Game: When There Is No More Snow
Trade: Game Designer/Programmer/Composer
Jeremy W. Kaufmann grew up in the hellpits of Michigan and hid himself in Detroit techno, punk rock, video games, and sci-fi and horror films. Now he bleeps and bloops in San Francisco, where the air is poison and dog shelters send robots to harass homeless people.

Jeremy Couillard
Issue #20
Game: Fuzz Dungeon
Trade: Artist/Teacher
I make games and art objects and build installations around them. My games tend to have humorous narratives revolving around surreal dystopias that explore what motivates us as humans to work, live, and create.

Janos Biro
Issue #33
Game: Overrun
Trade: Writer
Graduated in Philosophy and writing as if there was tomorrow.

Ivy Case
Issue #32
Game: shot in the dark.
Trade: Software Engineer
A wayward spirit, making games as a way to discover herself.

Isaiah Jordan
Issue #32
Game: Just Another Runner
Trade: Game Designer/Video Editor
Hi, I’m Isaiah. I make games occasionally.

Issue #23
Game: do you remember me
Trade: Web designer, writer, weird tiny games
Neurodivergent queer working class babe making intimate work on themes of community, social architecture, transit and transport, maps, and memories. Writes poems & code & loves to combine the two wherever possible. Makes wordpress/handcoded sites for money.

Issue #19
Game: NonLuogoMotiva
Trade: Writing, Daydreaming, Exploring
hello! i’m trying to study/make games and experiments in my free time. i love unusual video games, music, art, comics, poetry, photos and unknown/forgotten/mysterious places.

Homie “Lintilion” Boon
Issue #41
Game: I’m Hungry! I’m Healthy! I’m Human
Trade: Design, Code, Art, Writing, Music.
Ogre-Class Games Developer, in a Devil-Class world. I hope to keep making fun little videogames, and that you like to play them. You might find something of interest if you look more closely at the world! Fight hard for the future!

Hero Robb
Issue # 10
Game: Budget Rate Stigmata
Trade: musician/writer/voice actor/professional unemployed worrier
Hero Robb has severe depression, an anxiety disorder, multiple sclerosis, and the only thing that makes him feel better is experiencing uncomfortable art and attempting to make it himself. He sometimes makes avant-garde death metal under the name Toluca Lake. He has been making games on and off since 2014, but due to medical conditions and *gestures vaguely*, he has been making more games recently.

Issue #13
Game: Weather Report
Trade: Writing
Born in a cave in the mountains of Appalachia, Healy enjoys reading, playing video games, and sitting around not doing much of notice.

Gwen Clark
Issue #34
Trade: Analog Designer, Sharks Enjoyer
GWEN CLARK aka gwencie makes tabletop games about intense emotions, clashing contrasts, the unflinching brilliant light of the human condition, and also sicknasty anime action. if you enjoy at least two of those things you might like what she does looking for work btw lets collab
twitter, itch

Gvidas Pakarklis
Issue: Indiepocalypse x kuš!
Game: a tiny webzine about climate change
Trade: comic artist
Gvidas is an illustrator & comic maker who currently lives and works in London. In 2020 he graduated with a BA in Illustration from Falmouth university. His attraction for mapping, diagrams & infographics is visible within images and patterns that he creates. Gvidas also hopes to open up a riso press house one day.

GroundDoon (Nikita Divsky)
Issue #27
Game: glazkovia: a journey of the mind.
Trade: Writer, gamedesign and code
Making videogames with my friends since 2020!

Grayson Thomas
Issue #58
Game: NYX
Trade: Writer
Grayson Thomas is a butch artist, writer, and game developer. They write both experimental prose and choice-based interactive fiction games in Twine. In their spare time, they are a freelance illustrator, fishing minigame enthusiast, and mangler of code.

Gordie Murphy
Issue #4
Game: Anomalous
Trade: Game Design
Gordie works in progressive politics, doing game design on the side. Most of his games focus on world-building and collaborative storytelling, and invoking a sense of place.

Glen Henry
Issue #6
Game: Grimm & Tonic
Trade: Programming & Illustration
Glen is an independent game developer, illustrator and podcaster. He has a penchant for narrative games and is the loudest member of the Jamaica Game Developer Society.

George Larkwright
Issue #47
Game: So this is Innovation?
Trade: Writer & Game Designer
When I have time, I make interactive stories, games, and other digital things. When I don’t have time, I panic.

Gary Chadwick
Issue #36
Game: It Started With Hairs
Trade: Writing/Programming
Gary (they/he) has noodled around making lots of little games since finding out Hypercard on Mac could make a choose your own adventure slideshow. The itch to make weird little stories has not gone away, so Gary continues to make things until it does.

Garage Heathen
Issue #8
Game: T-Gotchi!
Trade: Game developer
Originally misspelled the word Heaven! Now have to stick to the pagan entourage.. I study architecture, while coding, drawing, writing, composing and 3d-modelling in my free time. Combine them together – you get a game!

Gaming Variety Potato
Issue #39
Game: Find My Mind
Trade: Hobbyist indie game developer
Not your garden variety potato, this specimen is interested in visual novels, narrative design, and general game programming. Doesn’t have preferred nutrition, but loves to consume indie VNs that are made during itch.io jams.

Galen Games
Issue #25
Game: DUFE: Masquerade
Trade: Indie Game Team
Led by artist, director and developer Crysil, Galen Games is a female-ran visual novel studio primarily based out of the UK. We make fantasy and supernatural games for a mature audience.
For DUFE: Masquerade we had significant contributions from frequent team fixtures including VA and writer, Ryan Hoyle, programmer Midge, editor illegalilieo, VA director Ashe Thurman and VA Alex Gardipe. Our composer, Edpin is also a longtime member of our team and has also contributed some lovely tracks.
site, Ryan Hoyle, Midge, Edpin, illegalilieo, Ashe Thurman, Alex Gardipe

Gabriel Helfenstein
Issue #43
Trade: Game artist
Artist working with game engines. Part of the collective Fantasia Malware.

G.C. Baccaris
Issue #17
Game: Habeas Corpus
Trade: Writer, Developer
G.C. Baccaris is a game developer and freelance writer who is influenced by the uncanny and macabre. Currently working on RESURRECTION GATE, an interactive novella about loss, liches, and what lingers at the edge of existence, The Twine Grimoire, a series of tutorials on using CSS and HTML in Twine®, and other projects.

Fynn Levy
Issue #59
Game: The Bad Zone
Trade: Game Design
I’ve dabbled in a variety of genres but I’m currently most interested in games that elicit negative emotions & games that produce narrative from their interactivity. Have a nice day 🙂

Florence Noé
Issue #3
Game: Match me if you can
Trade: Programming
Freelance programmer, with a love for narrative projects.

Filipa Namorado
Issue #39
Game: Cover
Trade: Illustration
Filipa Namorado is a freelance illustrator with a background in graphic design whose work is informed by street fashion, shoujo manga and mid-century children’s literature. Namorado is a self-described rom-com aficionado and emoji overuser and currently resides in Portugal with their rowdy little chihuahua Milu.

Issue #46
Game: Groblin Survivors
Trade: Gamedev
gamedev, book reader, ambassador for nerds

Eric Lide
Issue # 5
Comic: ZASH!!
Trade: Comic artist!
Eric Lide is a swamp creature cursed to keep drawing comics until his last breath

Issue #33
Game: Tamabud
Trade: game developer
I am a hobbyist game developer and I enjoy participating in game jams sometimes.

Elliot Rex White
Issue #58
Game: Calcification
Trade: Game designer, artist, and writer
I’m a multimedia artist making weird fleshy things! I’m influenced by gothic and body horror as well as constructing monsters. I usually make 2D narrative games that utilize stop motion or photographed collage to make textural game worlds. Raised in Los Angeles, I like making funky little guys come to life through games, writing, and doll making. I want to keep making strange experiences that spring from my transgender brain to help turn others into the beautiful monsters they are. I have a background in digital media and games education and have been featured in the Melbourne Queer Games Festival.

Elliot Davis
Issue #31
Game: Something Is Wrong With The Chickens
Trade: Artist, Game Designer, Producer
I love storytelling and creating. My latest passion has been in designing TTRPGs though I still hold a deep love for illustration, photography, and podcasting. On the internet, you can generally find my work under the name moreblueberries.

elizabeth picado
Issue #55
Game: Timepiece II
Trade: game art & writing
3D artist who also likes writing and design and wants to keep making cool and silly games!

Elisabeth Astwood
Issue #51
Game: Whispers
Trade: Producer, Designer, Writer
I am a transmedia producer, designer, and writer focused on nurturing an equitable world through story. With a background in DEI across games, theatre, film, literature, and visual art, I’m interested in cross-industry knowledge sharing and researching our moral responsibility as cultural creators.

Dylhan aka Zhanko
Issue #43
Game: Perpetual Foreigner; Letter to my grandmother; What if I’m the train
Trade: Game Design/Wannabe Jack of All Trades
I like to create games inspired by personal stories and experiment on the different sides of game design, especially on how to make them all complementary to create a coherent universe and game. In the future, I would like to be able take on bigger projects in solo without crunching and take on an even more experimental approach to it. I believe that video games are political even more nowadays, so my creations are political and always convey a message sometimes even involuntarily. Video games are a craft !

Ducky Elford
Issue #32
Game: The Passive Voice
Trade: Artist/ Game Developer
Queer, neurodivergent designer and artist, exploring the intersection of art and play. Exploring metaphysical, historical, and possible future spaces that co-exist across virtual and physical realms.

Issue #51
Game: While True It Is Insufficient/Chaos Dancing
Trade: Programmer by day, creator by night
Writer/artist/programmer/wannabe-composer who makes various things fantastical and philosophical, physical and digital, usually connected, however loosely or obscurely, with a giant passion project called Of Evernost.

Issue #60
Game: Potion Stand Story
Trade: Artist/Writer
all my interests cause carpal tunnel syndrome. i got into making visual novels because i was too long-winded for comics and too impatient for animation. (in all seriousness, i just really like writing dialogue.) through the power of interactive fiction, i hope to turn more people gay.

David Chihlas
Issue #1
Game: Absolute Unit
Trade: Composer/Sound Designer
Keyboardist currently studying arranging and production at Berklee College of Music with an emphasis in video game scoring. Enjoy all kinds of music and have experience writing and recording for both acoustic and electronic instruments!

Daniel Savage
Issue #46
Game: Boils, Otters, Valor, and Death
Trade: Game Development
I watched Whisper of the Heart when I was 18 and it made me eschew any chance of a normal computer science career so here I am now.
I really want to someday make a game like Space Battleship Yamato or Gundam 79 where a space family goes on an adventure together.

Damien Crawford
Issue # 3
Game: I Have Low Stats But My Class Is “Leader”, So I Recruited Everyone I Know To Fight The Dark Lord
Trade: Game Design
Damien has been an independent developer for seven years, mostly making RPGs and games that make the player unsure if the game hates them or not.

Issue #7
Game: Legend of the Nine Rings
Trade: Creative Design
Hey all! I’m an indie game developer who’s kinda new on the scene, but who has been studying game design in various capacities for a few years. One of my first self-published games, “Legend of the Nine Rings” (a Zelda-esque metroidvania platformer), was included in Indiepocalypse #7 & I’m super excited to be an Indiepocalypse contributor. I have a couple cool projects in the works right now (including a custom physics engine for PixelBox), so stay tuned!

Claire Ahuriri-Dunning of Sky Bear Games
Issue #28
Game: The Nine Lives of Nim: Fortune’s Fool
Trade: Writer
Storyteller, mother, wife, musician, non-binary, Māori and Pakeha, award-winning indie game dev, TTRPG designer and playwright, animal enthusiast, aspiring novelist, fantasy and sci-fi nerd, among many other hats.

Clair Willden
Issue #25
Game: Cult Game
Trade: Writing!
Clair is an English teacher who loves to write games and stories, and who through a happy series of events has come to write story games. They edit a goofball website called Sad Goose Cooperative that publishes lots of silly art and some serious art.

Christina-Antoinette “castpixel” Neofotistou
Issue #5
Game: GhostVac
Trade: illustrator, pixel artist, indie dev
I’m a professional illustrator and gamedev, specializing in pixelart

Christina Nordlander
Issue #9
Game: The Light Prince
Trade: Writer
Christina Nordlander was born in 1982 in Sweden, but has been living in the UK since 2001. She currently lives outside Birmingham with her husband and two cats. She is primarily a prose writer, but has started to branch out into Interactive Fiction as well. She also has a PhD in Classics and Ancient History from the University of Manchester.

Issue #6
Game: Super Ledgehop: Double Laser
Trade: Programming
ChairGTables is a competitive fighting game player with a strong passion to create the greatest bootleg meme games in the world. Collects bootleg and shovelware games with a strong intention of speedrunning and studying their flawed game design. This very loud developer has hosted multiple fighting game tournaments and speedrun events with the master plan of advertising silly indie games on the event livestreams during down times.

Chad Comeau
Issue #14
Game: Donair Academy
Trade: Game Designer
Acadian making all sorts of games, from donairs to spring rolls, real-life grandmas to space grandmas

Cecile Richard
Issue #9
Game: novena
Trade: graphic designer
Cecile Richard is a graphic designer, illustrator, zine maker and game designer living in Melbourne, Australia whose artistic work often revolves around the themes of memory, connection and belonging. Their most well-known works include award-winning short Bitsy games novena and ENDLESS SCROLL, and UNDER A STAR CALLED SUN.

cecil choi
Issue #18
Game: hymn
Trade: musician, writer, game dev
(they/he/mx) game design and electronic music student at UCSC. enjoys making whatever they want.

Caterina Gerbasi
Issue #42
Issue Cover
Trade: illustration
Caterina is a graduate of the Florence Academy of Arts, lover of fantasy but secretly wish she was a sports illustrator from the 70s. currently living in Argentina with her wife and a cat called Nube.

Casey “Boz” Weeks
Issue # 12
Game: Meta Form
Trade: Dev/Game Design
After years of knocking at the door of that unknowable black box inside our heads, it dawned on me I’d been going about it all wrong. What if instead of requesting entry to their world, storytelling could lure the reclusive creatures to ours?

Caique Assis
Issue #3
Trade: Game Design and Programming
I make games Clouds are way better than games But games are ok

Cain Maddox
Issue #38
Trade: Baseless overconfidence
Cain is a trans guy who likes to put words on pictures. He makes games that explore the horrifying and the hopeful. He likes to think of himself as a multi-disciplinary rockstar solo dev, but really he’s just afraid of talking to other people.

Button Punch Games
Issue #2
Game: Spinball
Trade: Game Designer
BPG is a multiplayer-focused game studio based in Columbus, Ohio. They are big fans of social gaming and want to create experiences that bring people together.

Brendan McLeod
Issue #30
Game: 12 Labors
Trade: Game designer
Brendan is a designer from Key West, Florida, now living in Texas.
Brendan’s games are interested in how mechanics reinforce narrative experiences and how creative twists can revitalize classic tropes. Tinged with a haze of surrealism, his stories aspire to dark sincerity without relying on ugly grit.
A perennial, ambitious GM, he also designs video games professionally and volunteers at a center for wildlife rehabilitation.

Brendan Allen
Issue #55
Game: Correspondence
Trade: Student/Educator
Brendan Allen is a doctoral student at the University of Toronto, where he’s finally achieving his final form: Researching little game poems and how they’re made, labeled, and played. Along with Correspondence, he’s also the creator of CentoQuest and The Last Best Western in Ohio. He’s originally from the U.S., where he grew up replaying Jet Grind Radio again and again in the basement of a Kansas farmhouse.

Brandon Sichling
Issue #1
Game: Beauty of Poppies
Trade: Director
Brandon is a filmmaker, game designer, and writer working out of Boston. Their work focuses on marginalization, performance, and giant robots.

Brandon Hanabarger
Issue #1
Game: The Manse on Soracca
Trade: Game theory and design
Indie dev, idea addict, and taco fiend. Working toward running my own indie studio.

Bob McGough
Issue #5
Game: More Meat For The Machine
Trade: Author
Bob is an author, podcaster, and game designer from Southern Alabama. Most of his game design comes in the form of One Sheet RPGs, which range from the serious to the silly. For those interested in his podcasts, books, or line of nerdy shirts, check out his website. He is a firm believer that puns are the highest form of humor.

Issue #53
Game: The Tomb of Azathoth
Trade: Character Design & World Design
Ive had too many ideas for games and stories since I was a kid. I primarily consider myself a writer and artist who uses tools like RPG Maker as a vessel for my likely unmarketable ideas.
I’m known for Greyscale Mirror World Anomaly, Tomb of Azathoth, Endless Nameless, and Artificial Immortality (As of writing this ^^;)

Beth Jackson and Angelique Drummond
Issue #40
Game: Shopkeeper Showdown
Trade: Customer Service, Suppor
We’re two gals who are partners in life and game design! We typically make encouraging, silly, games that encourage self-discovery, empowerment, and accomplishments! We’re also supportive creators who love to play games for “research” and see others succeed and thrive as well 🥳

Ayu Koyama
Issue #53
Game: Eider Cake
Trade: Graphic design
Ayu is a graphic designer by day and everything else at night. She likes films and owns a machine that can play them.

Issue #13
Game: I saw DARKNESS and it saw ME
Trade: Designer
After years of playing I developed #indiedev as a serious hobby, I like to experiment with different mediums (videogames, zines, LARP, tabletop). I enjoy doing all the stuff : design, writing, graphics, programming, sound..
What I love is emotional, experimental, personal, surprising, beautiful, meaningful… experiences. I mostly play narrative and #altgames by other indies 🙂 Games are Art !
Also, I’ve always considered myself an alien.

Augustinas Raginskis
Issue #42
Game: Dream Mechanic
Trade: Illustrator, concept artist
I’ve been drawing and making things for most of my life and now those things I make tend to be games. I need to put all these goofy ideas I have somewhere after all.

Issue #15
Game: Flowers for Time, Minimalist Mastery
Trade: Programmer, artist and game dev!
game dev hobbyist who focuses on narrative and multiple endings. mostly been doing a lot of game jams (both entries for indiepocalypse were made for game jams) but plan on doing larger projects 🙂 current project is “A Monster’s Insight” check it out on itch!

Ardent Eliot 🙂 Reinhard
Issue #16
Game: two hundred fifty six
Trade: writing, graphic design and zines
i’m a jewish non binary game designer and zinester writing about lists, trans experience, and mental illness. i am trying to embrace perfectionism and free myself from it at the same time. my career goals include listening to loud music until i die.

Anthony G Smith IV
Issue #6
Game: Vagrant.exe
Trade: Level Design, Programmer
B.A. Game Art and Animation: Looking to make video games with like-minded people that enjoy the medium as well.

Anna Krasner
Issue #53
Game: This is Normal
Trade: Game Programmer
A game developer specializing in Unity, artist and local activist. Trying to make cool things and be helpful wherever possible.

Andi Santagata
Issue #42
Game: Slasher U! Act 1 of 3
Trade: Cartoonist
Andi is a trans dude cartoonist who makes bestselling YA comics about angsty teens. Professor Plutonium is a horny bisexual nuclear robot programmed to make sexy systems-heavy dating sims that punch you in the face. They have never been seen in the same room together?? Weird??

Ambrosio (Milo)
Issue #12
Game: EXTENDED CARE UNIT ROOM 19B / four stories COVID
Trade: Software Developer / Visual Artist
When not coding and drawing, playing games or out in the big blue world. Let’s make this orb a better place!

Issue #33
Game: HUNT3R
Trade: Science Teacher & Visual Novelist
Started Drone Garden Studios in 2020 as a way to provide myself a supplemental income after I lost my old career and also to learn something new. Have continued to make all sorts of weird sci-fi games/stories tailored to my specific interests while starting my new science teaching career that I love very much. Used to work with orphaned dolphins.

Almanak Games
Issue #43
Game: Witch Tea? and Bucket List of a Ghost
Trade: Writing & Music (Mandy), 3D Environment Art (Alex), QA (Luke)
A trio of gamers decided to do a game jam one day, and it all spiralled out of control from there. Thus, Almanak Games was born. Our games are bite-sized and mostly story-driven – but we make whatever we feel like, really.

Allyson Gray
Issue #55
Game: Nonverbal Communication
Trade: Writing, Design, Art, Compassion
I usually make tabletop games and interactive fiction, but am generally in love with all forms of art. My biggest goal in life is to help make the world a better place, in little and big ways, for all people and creatures. I’m always delighted to connect and exchange with fellow developers or players!
Thank you for your interest in Indiepocalypse and have a lovely day 🤍

Adrien Dittrick
Issue # 3
Game: Saccharine Playground
Trade: Game Development
Engineering teacher by day, indie video games developer also by day (sleep is important, don’t waste it!) I have broadened my craft to also include music composition and procedural art. I make short games with meaningful gameplay and philosophical themes. Or sometimes I just make meme games. If you have questions, ask them on one of my various social media

Issue #1
Game: Baking with Lizzie
Trade: Storyteller
Three words that one might use to describe Adri are “generic”, “geek” and “girl”. Sometimes all at once.

Adlan Ramly
Issue #24
Game: Project Anomaly: Urban Supernatural Investigator DEMO
Trade: Interaction Designer & UX Researcher
Hobbyist Game Dev & Artist who happens to be the Creative Director of Dark Science, a bunch of no ones working part time remotely on games, design, & experimental technology for fun. Open for collabs!

Adam C.
Issue #52
Trade: Cleaner

Abhi Sundu
Issue #35
Game: Cards of the Bog
Trade: Programmer / Composer
I love making bite-sized, consumable games that you can finish in a sitting or two. Most of my life was spent playing games like this on various flash portals, so it feels really cool to be able to make games that my younger self would have played. Outside of games, I like playing piano, lifting, and rock climbing.

Issue #42
Game: Mycorrhizal
Trade: Artist
I’m a newer game developer just learning what I can and sharing what I create!

Aaron El Sabrout
Issue #33
Game: Escape the Bullpen
Trade: writing & art
A transgender alien currently located on Stz’uminus territory. Writes, makes comics, and learns how to code to make games!