Issue #19 Contributors

If you are a contributor who’d like to be added, email


Issue #19
Game: LanVodis
Trade: Programmer

i can’t stop thinking about jrpgs, so i’m trying to make a life of it

itch, blog, twitter

Jeremy W. Kaufmann

Issue #19
Game: When There Is No More Snow
Trade: Game Designer/Programmer/Composer

Jeremy W. Kaufmann grew up in the hellpits of Michigan and hid himself in Detroit techno, punk rock, video games, and sci-fi and horror films. Now he bleeps and bloops in San Francisco, where the air is poison and dog shelters send robots to harass homeless people.

twitter, itch, bandcamp


Issue #19
Game: NonLuogoMotiva
Trade: Writing, Daydreaming, Exploring

hello! i’m trying to study/make games and experiments in my free time. i love unusual video games, music, art, comics, poetry, photos and unknown/forgotten/mysterious places.
